It's great in it's own right
very enjoyable. would love to see a full length song if it sounded like this. Truly glad I checked this one out!
It's great in it's own right
very enjoyable. would love to see a full length song if it sounded like this. Truly glad I checked this one out!
by the looks of my ratings, not alot of people think so. thanks for the review man. glad you like it
very nice
hmmm, this one is very interesting. Started off on a different foot, nice light and air. It makes the lead synth that you brought in very strong at first, but it quickly establishes itself and fits nicely. The little solo you have at 1:30 is GREAT and soulful. And the little trance afterward is very fun to listen to! 9 and 5
soulful, now that is a term i havent head used on my music! thanks so much friend, that little bit of trance was my favorite part
thanks for the review :D
Fun indeed.
Nice little thing to dance wildly to. I do like that Psy-feel you have going. My personal favorite-part of the song was a little after the halfway point (about1:52) where things kinda transitioned nicely into a less-psy-more-lifted-trance feel. Transitions were great. I gotta ask, where do you get your sound clips. The vocal "ow" or "ooh" you have playing throughout is playful and border-line funny, but fits very well and compliments the other elements of the song. The instrument that faded in at :25 was just a hair loud for my tastes (it became a little distracting towards the end of the song).
All in all, a fun lil song. 8/10 and a 5 outta 5
at :46 that weird vox sounding thing is actually a synth i made if thats what you mean but if you are referring to the obvious shouting oh sample, then yeah that is from a sample pack a friend gave me that came from his dj equipment. usually i record my own vox samples but i couldnt pass up using this one, you are right it is really fun sounding.
that instrument at :25 might be too loud yes, good ear! ill fix that.
thanks for the review
very fun
k, so I made a ReMix of this a couple months back and ever since I've listened to it *almost* non-stop. It was weird listening to this ReMix b/c it showed me JUST HOW MUCH I techno-cised it. There were also parts I didn't emphasize in my mix, so when I heard it here I was like: woah! I forgot that is there! Kinda like rediscovering the song ^___^ This is a refreshing ReMake with techno percussion and an ever so-slightly emphasized bass to lend itself to techno (ah yes, and a piano solo added).
This was my third favorite on the album.
(I think the piano has the right/appropriate volume)
Gotta love your comments ^^!
Anyway, this was the last addition to the Album (we changed the order of the track in the end, hence this being Track 5).
I love the source but couldn't find the right turn in our own version.
In the final week we, thanksfully, did and I'm glad you like the result :D!
Keep em coming! <3
well done
It's a very fun ReMix. You brought the tempo up to a nice speed. I personally would have liked to have seen the very beginning to be closer to the original tempo and then sped up ... but personal preference doesn't subtract from enjoying this Mix. kept all the soothing elements of the original and added a nice bass and synth line to compliment it.
Well done. probably my second favorite song on the album ^__'
Thanks for your comments :)!
Hopefully there'll be lots of more Remixes from this theme (not only from our hands) because it's a great source!
I looked forward to this one most
And my anticipation was not disapointed. Not in the least. Retains the captivatingly light-hearted feel of the original with a nice shot a Trance-Energy. Hands down the best techno ReMix I've heard of this theme - dare I say - ever. Yes, ever. I listened to this on repeat for two days straight. Obsession? Not me ...
I'll be honest, in the light of listening to this ReMix, I feel a little intimidated to try and ReMix this theme like I've always invisioned hearing it b/c you nailed it so spot on ... I know that any EnchFrst Theme I attempt will be stacked up against this one for it to pass my approval.
SO WAY TO MAKE A KICK ASS SONG! I'll be listening to this for days to come ^__^
Haha, thanks cRAVE :)!
Enjoy the Remix and I'll be watching your uploads :D!
some songs on NG stand out from the others.
absolutely goregous. was directed here thru virago. this is a great stand-alone tho! very atmosphereic and emotion-filled. I hope you are very pleased w/ how this turned out!
Thank you ! I am pleased, especially because so many people are pleased, which means I did something right.
purely high-quality excellence.
Nice arrangement
I've never played the Ragnarok games, but I do enjoy this. very mellow and relaxing. Makes me want to play DnD to this ^___^; yes, I am a geek.
I'm gonna download it b/c it's pretty enjoyable. Like the choirs, btw.
Wow, thanks for the good review! I, sadly, have never played Ragnarok either, although i am an avid player of Neverwinter nights, a computerized version of DnD.
Again, thank you for the review and possible download. it is good to know that my work is appreciated.
like a never-ending abyss of awesome
THat opening pad has a GREAT attack, and the little zing it has when the note starts - it is an excellently crafted pad. As always, DnB always makes chillaxing soundscapes sound awesome, so well done there. like the 2:01 part. building up into the 2:38 part, I would have liked to have seen an instrument that was pitch-shifting. As it is, it's a little too abrupt of a "back to the main part" for my taste. And instead of jumping right into the energy, I kinda felt slapped by it . . . : \
But this is a very enjoyable piece never the less. And I know why I have such an affinity for that opening pad. It reminds me of Legend of Dragoon to a T. W00tz for nostalgia! 9/5 and a download.
Yes, I understand what you mean with buildup.
I may go back and take another look at it.
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