This is like a good stake
you can chew on it for a long time till all the flavor is gone, but once you bite into the next cut, its the same flavor and taste, but still oh so good. This song boasts a good 10 minutes worth of energy and rhythm-a techno-head like myself's DREAM-and yet every time the song returns to the melody or moments of cool-down, it is as flavorful and enjoyable as the first time you heard it. I've been listening to this song for a good 2-3 weeks now and I still find myself raving where I find myself at the time of listening to it. I am addicted to the epic/peaceful-feel-like-I-am-flying feel of it all. And because "Paradise on E" is on so many of my playlists, CDs, played it so many times on AudioSurf (YouTube AudioSurf if you don't know what it is) and have had it on repeat for so long in my car, I am comfortable saying that as far as I am concerned, this is single-handedly the BEST song on NG. Karco is in the same leagues as Pulstate, Cornandbeans, G-r4ve and A-New-Decade as far as I am concerned (yes, yes, and due credit to BOUNC3 who composed the original). This song plays wonderfully alongside such songs as Airborn, Departure, Waves across the Universe, etc. And the only thing I could imagine being better than THIS here song is all five of the above mentioned artists putting their creative MASTERMINDS together to make the song to end-all techno songs of awesomeness (of course there will be 12 year-olds with no life that vote it down-but few care for them)!
N-E-ways, amazing song. Love it for always, download, 5 outta 5, 10 outta 10, (Obviously) a download (the full quality version is pure liquid ecstacy btw), and a favorited song and artist. Karco, sorry for taking SO LONG on getting this review up. Thanks for putting this up and for all the BUTT-LOAD of work you put into this. You should be very proud of this song.
God Bless