So, thought I would put up a post since my last one was at the beginning of the year. Thought I'd show off my current project as well. I have been slaving over it to rewarding results. Really aiming to make something that sounds professional, ya know!? Working on synth-synthesis, which can be difficult w/ some VSTs . . . but ya do whatcha can. Also trying to automate a lot more panning on more instruments.
Phew, lots of work compared to what I've done before! But I know it's gonna be worth it - as it has thus far!
Also(on a tremendously positive note), I've been having personal development in character growth that I've been desiring and finding peace with painful things in life - and I can honestly say that right now: I feel the best I've felt in over a year.
Keep a look out for Swim Up, or . . . at least demo of it. Can't decide if this is something I wanna put up for free or break the "make some money on my music" cherry.
***EDIT*** ok, so I finished it and put it up.
after using my programs for a year i did things old school and made a cd with about 10 songs of it, 6 or 7 that were my own and two complelations. i sold them by making covers for the jewel cases and really put alot into it, even made cd' lables.... i made 75$ total which i really didnt need the money but everything i made from this or any money i make from music i envest in something to help build my musical ability.
with the 75$ plus some extra i bought an axiom 25 by m-audio and it is really great. but i was rewarded with some confidence that it was possible to sell music at this time after only doin git for about a year+, but now looking back on it it felt premature, but dont let that stop you go for it man. lol i wish i had known about online distribution at that time.
my old stuff isnt on NG it way to wacky and experimental, a different animal than now i suppose, but it wasnt bad. but, lets just say i had to figure out alot on my own. this is a small town haha.